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Restauración de Corales en Cozumel

Nuestro objetivo es restaurar los arrecifes de coral y promover la investigación y los programas educativos marinos. 

Toma un curso


Disponemos de muchos cursos de buceo PADI. ¿Parando por el día en Cozumel? Ven a hacer snorkel o bucear en nuestros jardines de coral con nosotros y haz algo diferente en tus vacaciones.

Sea voluntario


Únase a nosotros como voluntario y ayúdenos a aumentar nuestro alcance. Necesitamos gente que ayude a plantar, monitorear y limpiar los corales para darles la mejor oportunidad.

Donar hoy


Nuestro movimiento está completamente financiado por personas como usted. Únase a nuestra lucha para restaurar y preservar los arrecifes de Cozumel.

About Us

Dr. German Mendez founded the Cozumel Coral Reef Restoration Program in 2017 to conserve and restore Cozumel’s coral species affected by unsustainable development, overtourism, and climate change.

We grow and restore damaged corals in our aquarium and coral garden, then plant them in the Villablanca Reef. To date, we’ve built 29 coral restoration platforms and planted over 10,000+ coral fragments!

We research coral reproduction, diseases, and water contamination, and offer educational programs to tourists and Cozumeleños, empowering them to help protect and regenerate their coral reefs.




Agricultores capacitados




corales restaurados



Dr. Germán Méndez.
Biólogo marino y activista
Director General del CCRRP

“Help me in my fight to save the reef! 1 in 4 fish live in the corals and depend on the reefs. Only 1% of the ocean has corals and 0.5% has deteriorated.”@2x.png

¡CCRRP es una organización sin fines de lucro que opera únicamente con donaciones de personas como usted! Puede ayudarnos a continuar el trabajo y financiar futuros proyectos de conservación haciendo una donación aquí.

Coral Restoration Tours and Courses

Whether you are doing a daytrip in Cozumel or you’re a passionate about saving the reefs, we have a range of courses and tours you can take to learn about coral restoration. As a non-profit, all proceeds from our courses go to sustaining & scaling our coral restoration work.


Coral Garden
Scuba Tour

A quick introduction on scuba diving and coral restoration followed by a tour of our research lab, coral garden, and reef restoration area.


Scuba, Beginner


4 hours with 2 dives



PADI Coral Reef Conservation Course

Learn first hand about the coral species that make up the Mesoamerican Reef and the different techniques to restore them. Prerequisite course for volunteers.


Scuba, Beginner


2 days with 4 dives



PADI Research Diver Course

We will teach you how to monitor, run transects, and preform research studies hands on while helping grow and maintain our coral nursery. 


Scuba, Intermediate


5 days with 7 dives



Los voluntarios son esenciales para el CCRRP. Tenemos oportunidades de diferente duración, ya sean familias que nos visitan por un día, buceadores residentes que desean contribuir al arrecife o estudiantes que realizan una pasantía de un mes. Muchos voluntarios extranjeros se han convertido en visitantes que regresan y viajan a Cozumel anualmente para ver cuánto han crecido los corales que han plantado.

Thank you to all our generous business donors


and our educational and coral partners


If you are an organization that would like to collaborate or become a donor, please feel free to contact us.

Our latest blog posts

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Join us and save the Cozumel reefs.

Your contribution enables our team to actively restore the damaged reefs by planting new coral fragments to ensure we maintain the coral and fish diversity here in Cozumel, Mexico.

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